Did you miss our recent open house event?  Take a look at what went on at our new midtown Tuscaloosa office.  We opened our doors to welcome the general public in learning about foot care services available in West Alabama.  This became a great opportunity to educate the community on foot health.  Now, you can read on and learn about some foot care solutions (and fun party ideas) as we share some highlights from the event.

We set up our reception area with a popcorn bar and sparkling lemonade stand.  The popcorn bar had plain sea salted popcorn, kettle corn, and drizzled dark cocoa popcorn.

Flavor your own popcorn with assorted seasonings

Flavor your own popcorn with assorted seasonings

The sparkling lemonade was a hit.

The sparkling lemonade was a hit.

Sparkling Lemonade Recipe: Mix 1 can of lemonade concentrate with 1 liter of club soda.

In one treatment room we had patient education literature, common foot procedure descriptions, and information on foot care products available at our office. Visit our Foot Products Page to see what we currently offer.

Patient literature on common foot problems

Patient literature on common foot problems

Matrixectomy procedures permanently stops the recurrence of ingrowing toenails.

Matrixectomy procedures permanently stops the the recurrence of ingrowing toenails.

In another treatment room, we had information on proper shoe gear, heel pain treatment options, and samples of foot orthotics for adults and children.

Learning about proper shoes, foot orthotics, and heel pain treatments.

Learning about proper shoes, foot orthotics, and heel pain treatments.


It wouldn’t be fun without a giveaway.  The prize was a Fitbit Flex wristband.

A Fitbit giveaway to help keep you active on your feet.

A Fitbit giveaway to help keep you active on your feet.

This was a great opportunity to get to know Tuscaloosa’s newest foot doctor and ask her questions about foot care.  Dr. Rosemarie Caillier is passionate about patient education to help build a healthy community.

Dr. Caillier explaining treatments for common foot problems

Dr. Caillier explaining treatments for common foot problems

Dr. Caillier discussing the benefits of custom foot orthotics by a podiatrist.

Dr. Caillier discussing the benefits of custom foot orthotics by a podiatrist.

We had something fun and educational for the kids as well. They were able to take home a professional footprint impression that shows their arch type.  Knowing your arch type helps in selecting proper shoes and to know about associated foot problems.

Getting a footprint impression

Getting a footprint impression

Device called a Harris Mat is used to make the footprint impressions

Device called a Harris Mat is used to make the footprint impressions

A Harris Mat print reveals the shape of the arch and areas of increase pressure.

A Harris Mat print reveals the shape of the arch and areas of increase pressure.

Parents were able to learn about the low arch (pronated) foot type and the high arch (supinated) foot type.  You can read more about proper footwear and arch type in our blog: Selecting the Proper Shoes According to Your Foot Type.

Learning the characteristics of a low arch and high arch foot.

Learning the characteristics of a low arch and high arch foot.

Kids had fun being in our kids area learning about shoes and feet.  Of course, they were always ready for a popcorn snack!

The kids corner

The kids corner

Time for some popcorn

Time for some popcorn

It was a worthwhile event for us to share with the West Alabama community the services available at our podiatry office.  If you were not able to “pop” by our open house event and need a foot doctor in Tuscaloosa, be sure to give our office a call.  Dr. Rosemarie Caillier will be happy to help care for your feet.

Thanks for Popping By!

Thanks for Popping By!